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参加日: 2022年5月12日


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Garden designers, architects and landscape architects are often asked to create zen-like gardens using the principles of Zen Buddhism and the Zen garden to create more humane spaces. The basic composition of a Zen garden is a circular border and a central water feature . The central element is often a lotus blossom, as this flower suggests tranquility. Other, smaller water features often surround this flower. The central lotus blossom is surrounded by a round, calm water area, making the center a “seed” that is an important part of a Zen garden. In some gardens, the “seed” grows to become a beautiful single blossom, like the Colorado Sandstone Japanese water garden at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Other zen gardens include a water feature that is surrounded by a gravel path, another circular water feature or a circular path that surrounds the central element. The Zen concept of “entering the sanctuary” is the concept of entering the water or a lotus blossom as a way of meditation. The water in zen gardens is often shaped to look like a full moon. The lotus blossom is also a symbol of Buddhism and Japanese culture. The lotus blossom, with its delicate petals, is a symbol of purity and nobility. As such, the water area in a zen garden can reflect and represent the water element in Buddhism and Japanese culture . The gravel path is also a symbol of meditation, reflecting the Buddhist concept of walking meditation. The circular shape of the garden is related to the Buddhist concept of “the universe is a mandala” , where the universe is perceived as a collection of circles. The philosophy behind Zen gardens is the Zen mind. The philosophy of Buddhism is to awaken the mind to the spiritual truths that are part of being human. Many zen gardens are based on the idea of universal harmony and perfection, which can also be the theme of a Zen garden. The idea of perfection in a Zen garden is more than an abstract concept, but a harmonious reflection of a Japanese garden style. Several different schools of garden design, including the Japanese, represent the basic principles of Japanese design to create a Japanese-style zen garden. There are three main styles of Japanese zen gardens: traditional Japanese; Western; and Zen gardens with plants in various pots are designed with different aspects of Japanese design, including traditional, modern, and the . This last category incorporates



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